Me-sizing poses questions to possessions that determine their usefulness for your unique work, play, and enjoyment. Then, you keep only those possessions that work for you, not against you. Your uniqueness requires unique possessions. Items that hinder you can go out.
The Complete Me-sizing Handbook lists questions, fast and easy, that quickly show the treasures in the collective trash. When done, you can be sure you've kept the very best items to secure your one and only great life.
Downsizing is a downer, but reshaping your life and your possessions into something more usable and beautiful is exciting! —It is Me-sizing.
The Complete Me-sizing Handbook lists questions, fast and easy, that quickly show the treasures in the collective trash. When done, you can be sure you've kept the very best items to secure your one and only great life.
Downsizing is a downer, but reshaping your life and your possessions into something more usable and beautiful is exciting! —It is Me-sizing.